Meet The Team: Mark Tarullo, Director of Operations

Mark originally joined the Turner Group in 2016 as a consultant to develop operating procedures as well as CRM and accounting systems for the company. While he was new to the plastics industry he had been working in operations within sales organizations since 2007. He has a degree in Business Administration from USC. In his free time, Mark enjoys hiking and playing soccer with his wife, Ali, and two boys, Aiden (5), and Jaxon (2).
Would you share a happy/fun memory from your childhood?
Christmas around my house growing up was always exciting. Being one of 5 kids, there were always a ton of presents. But one year, the only thing I wanted was a new bike. When I woke up and didn’t see it under the tree, I was a little bummed. I tried to appreciate all the nice gifts I got, but just as the last present was being opened, and I was losing my ability to hide my disappointment any longer, my older brother found a card on the tree for me. It said, “there is a gift on the roof that I was unable to bring down the chimney. Merry Christmas! -Santa” I ran outside, looked up and saw the most awesome bike leaning against the chimney.
Definitely a Christmas to remember.
What gives your work life meaning?
Being able to support the people I get to work with and help them be successful.
What gives your personal life meaning?
My family… My wife, Ali, my two boys, Aiden (5) and Jaxon (2).
Favorite city/place in the world and why?
Hanalei Hawaii, on the island of Kauai. It is one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Name one thing you are good at and would be your best piece of advice to someone in this regard?
In the world today it has become commonplace to judge others by their actions, even without knowing their motivations. Until you can put yourself in someone else’s shoes and try to understand their point of view, your judgements are more about who you are than who they are.
What are your favorites hobbies?
Playing soccer with my kids, watching USC Football, and exercising
Where is your dream vacation destination?
I’ve always wanted to go to Thailand. It seems so beautiful there, and I love the cuisine.
Where was your favorite vacation?
I have been lucky enough to travel to Italy a few times, and each time has been amazing. From the food in Puglia, the beaches of the Amalfi Coast, to the culture in Rome and Florence. It really is an amazing place.
What is your favorite Turner Group moment?
Anytime we get the whole team together for a retreat is a good time but spending the weekend together around the holidays at the Mission Inn was really special.
What does company culture mean to you?
Company culture is the center of the company DNA. It is what drives the company and how it operates and is perceived both internally and externally.
If you could only eat one type of food the rest of your life, what would it be?
I think I would have to go with Tacos. They are very versatile, and I feel like there’s enough variation that I wouldn’t get too tired of eating them.
What is one of your unwritten rules for work?
Working from home, it’s easy to make your work time family time and your family time work time, so I try my best to keep a set schedule so my family knows when I am working, and my coworkers know when I am not.