K Show – There Is Only a Plan(et) A
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” We found this on the message wall at the Arburg Sustainability Pavilion.

Sustainability and Circular Economy
You didn’t have to look far at the K Show to sense the urgency in the message of Sustainability and Circular Economy. Ranging from Recycling to BioPolymers and Carbon Footprint Reduction to Digitalization/Industry 4.0, the message in some form was displayed at over 90% of the exhibits.
While the message is clear, we must act now, it was evident that some are moving very quickly while others are barely scratching the surface and still in the learning mode. It’s a big ship to turn but the leaders were evident at the show.
Zero footprint by 2050

The exhibits that stood out were those willing to state their company’s commitment, such as Zero footprint by 2050 or 50% reduction by 2030, as well as exhibits that were completely paperless, such as Arburg. Business cards were exchanged for “planting trees,” and flower seed paper from Sepro was exchanged for a one Euro donation to ocean conservation. Reiloy and Reifenhauser focused on the impact of better wear components and reducing carbon footprints with high-quality products.
The Sustainability Pavilion was created in the mall area from Halls 13 – Hall 1 and created an additional hall. Ranging from full recycling and wash lines to bio-resins and additives, these companies really showed up. With taglines including “climate neutrality” and “renewable resources.”
One of the newest concepts on the Covestro booth showed solutions with alternative raw materials and the introduction of CQ for products with alternative raw materials. CQ stands for “Circular Intelligence”, a smarter approach to more sustainable materials and solutions.
You will soon be able to see the carbon footprint of the equipment you are purchasing as well as energy data and digital solutions to improve the process while reducing energy consumption.
The world is changing, and we need to change with it. There is a lot of information on how to get started, and we have included a few places to start below.
Every country exhibiting at the K Fair talked about Circular Economy. It is clear that Western Europe is leading the way, with Germany as a focal point and with the voice of the VDMA.
We are an industry in transition. We will stumble and make mistakes, but the momentum has begun, and it is the responsibility of all of us to move along with it and take an active role in our future.
For more information, check out these links
BIOPLASTICS: Basics, Applications, Markets by Michael Thielen| www.polymedia-publisher.com